February 5, 2012

Carnival Cruise in November

I wanted to treat myself as a sort of pat on the back for completing (almost) my first two semesters in grad school and as an early birthday gift so I went with one of the ladies from job on a cruise.  The Triumph, left from Galveston TX and went to Progresso Mexico, Cozumel and then back home.  For my first cruise I got to meet a lot of nice people and had a blast.  There were a few moments I wonder why I was doing this.  The waters around Galveston are really choppy and I couldn’t not handle the ship rocking for the first day.  I just decided to embrace the experience and only look at the positive.  So I tried to do as much activates as possible.  I would recommend everyone try it at least once.   Here are only a few snap shots, enjoy!
Leaving Galveston

Our Cabin, Inside window
Deck party,  Can you see me down there???
My firsst time gambling and I won $50
Every night I had one of these guies on my bed. CUTE!
Docking in Progresso Mexico
Ship docked at Cozumel, Mexico
This is where i went snorkling!

Fish was chaseing me
I was chasing this one

Cowboy stadium, Wow Jerry!!

As a grad student I had the change to take a tour of Cowboy stadium in Arlington, Texas.  I am not a Dallas Cowboy fan, but I can appreciate the work and detail that went into the building architecture.  Why are they called the Dallas cowboys again if their stadium is in Arlington?  Shouldn’t they be called the Arlington Cowboys?   Yes I know they were originally in Dallas but I think it could confuse a few people.

Anyway….  I can’t wait to go back next year during a game and see/ feel the excitement of a game.  I will even pay the fee to tailgate… Why Jerry is charging people to tailgate is beyond me.   Ya'll know (Texas Lingo) that it will be the game where the cowboys play the Saints and we all know who is going to win…

Boot up!!!  

 Here are a few photos of the stadium.  If you get the chance you should do the tour.  Regular price is $20.

Cowboy Cheerleaders Locker Room

Cowboy's Locker Room

Dr. Pepper Loungs.  VIP Suite

Ford VIP Suite


It’s me again….

Yes I know that I have been M.I.A.  for four months.  To make a long story short, grad school finals were kicking my tail and then came the holidays.  Well, I will try and post all the things that I did during those four months to catch you up.  I can only ask for forgiveness and patience.

 I went to a women’s event sponsored by a church I have been attending / checking out.  The event was about being a lady and addressed dressing like a lady, the impression / image you display to the world and how to carry yourself like a lady. In it they discussed, makeup, jewelry, fashion, hair style, and how you present yourself.  They had a test to determine what type of lady you were in regards to style and how you carried yourself.  The categories were:
             1.       1 to 5 = Underdeveloped – You know you’re a girl, Right!
            2.        6 to 10 = Beginning to bloom, Embrace who you are!
            3.        11 to 15 = Just right!
             4.       16 to 20 = little over the top, Tone it down!
             5.       21 – 20 = Bring it back, Girl on overload 

 I took the test and the top score of 35 meant you were overdoing it and needed to tone down a few things.  If you had a score below 5 you needed to discover that you were a girl.  Well guess what I scored   4.   My sister who works in the medical field went with me scored a 3, but she said that working at a hospital you can’t wear jewelry, the latest trends in clothes, makeup or perfumes so she was ok with her score.  Me it really bothered me so I started to get into makeup, style, design, hair and accessories.  I have been debating on whether to incorporate these new loves into this blog or create a new one that has home improvement, décor, beauty, entertainment and style; still debating.   I can say that thanks to my mom, my birthday and Christmas gifts that I have a very nice beginner’s makeup collection.  I have even started to coupon for makeup.  I know so not like the old me.  That is a summary of what has been going on with me.  More to come…


October 20, 2011

New Fence

A few months ago my neighbor’s fence to the right of the house come down and took a few of my plants with it.  After weighting several weeks of waiting for them to fix it I had it removed.  Apparently the city had be giving them citations which they ignored and when I took it down by city rules I take ownership of it.  I discovered this after they gave me the fine.  So the next week I was at city hall requesting a permit for a new fence and the week after that I have a new fence.  My next project for the fence is to stain it. 

When it first started to lean.  The trees are the only thing holding it up.  But one lost the battle. You can see that their other fence fell down and they just pilled it up in the back yard
There are two trees there!

Took down after it killed Rose bush and tree



Funny, the Canas servied being crushed by the old fence but the rose bushes didn't. Now I just have to pull up the Canas and replace them with roses.   


Better Homes & Garden: Autumn Inspiration

I love the fall season and generally can’t wait for the cooler weather, especially after this year’s HOT, did I mention really HOT Texas summer. Fall is the time when the amazing display of color is provided by nature. Autumn has one of the years most decorated holidays; you know I am talking about Halloween. Not to mention Thanksgiving, which is dedicated to food, family, football (at least in my family) and it has its roots in our American culture. Fall is the season of football, chili cook offs, harvest celebrations, carnivals and the shift in the planet’s rotation provides the best celestial viewing at night for stargazing and outdoor activities.

This year I have been a little late and I will admit off from my usually self when it comes to decorating for the autumn season. So when I need a little inspiration I turn to three iconic entities: Martha Stewart, Southern Living and Better Homes & Gardens. This post is in honor of one of the three. All images were obtained from their website (http://www.bhg.com/) and magazine that I have a subscription to. I hope it inspires you and enjoy.



October 16, 2011

Linda’s Wedding

 I am finally getting around to posting about this but over the spring my sister and I helped a friend plan and coordinate her wedding.    
Linda & Roy
They were on a limited budget and as a wedding gift my sister and I offered to be the wedding coordinators, make the wedding: Ceremony site décor, centerpieces, invitations, programs, wedding party bouquets and boutonnieres as well as play hostess for the evening.  It was challenging because she has so many people telling her what she should do and what they would be willing to do for the wedding only to back out when the deadline was approaching.  At one point my sister had to step-in and be a bridesmaid because one of the ladies decided three months before the wedding that she couldn’t do it.

I know Linda is happy that it is over and while it was trying it was rewarding because in the end she was a beautiful bride and seeing her face when I showed her the room was priceless.  The wedding colors were Late, chocolate and cream.  The wedding party flowers were lilies and the table’s center peaces consisted of cream and light brown hydrangeas with blush roses. 

Large photo of room before centerpeace

Welcome table greating guest
