February 5, 2012

It’s me again….

Yes I know that I have been M.I.A.  for four months.  To make a long story short, grad school finals were kicking my tail and then came the holidays.  Well, I will try and post all the things that I did during those four months to catch you up.  I can only ask for forgiveness and patience.

 I went to a women’s event sponsored by a church I have been attending / checking out.  The event was about being a lady and addressed dressing like a lady, the impression / image you display to the world and how to carry yourself like a lady. In it they discussed, makeup, jewelry, fashion, hair style, and how you present yourself.  They had a test to determine what type of lady you were in regards to style and how you carried yourself.  The categories were:
             1.       1 to 5 = Underdeveloped – You know you’re a girl, Right!
            2.        6 to 10 = Beginning to bloom, Embrace who you are!
            3.        11 to 15 = Just right!
             4.       16 to 20 = little over the top, Tone it down!
             5.       21 – 20 = Bring it back, Girl on overload 

 I took the test and the top score of 35 meant you were overdoing it and needed to tone down a few things.  If you had a score below 5 you needed to discover that you were a girl.  Well guess what I scored   4.   My sister who works in the medical field went with me scored a 3, but she said that working at a hospital you can’t wear jewelry, the latest trends in clothes, makeup or perfumes so she was ok with her score.  Me it really bothered me so I started to get into makeup, style, design, hair and accessories.  I have been debating on whether to incorporate these new loves into this blog or create a new one that has home improvement, décor, beauty, entertainment and style; still debating.   I can say that thanks to my mom, my birthday and Christmas gifts that I have a very nice beginner’s makeup collection.  I have even started to coupon for makeup.  I know so not like the old me.  That is a summary of what has been going on with me.  More to come…


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