September 23, 2011

I’m Back!!!

I know it has been a very long time since I posted and I want you to know that it wasn’t in vain.  I have had a lot of things happening, good and bad, in my life and a few home improvement projects along the way.  The main reason why I haven’t posted / blogged in so long is that I went back to school.  Yep you read correctly, I am back in school.   More like I am continuing my education, and have enrolled in the College of Education's Master's Degree in Higher Education at the University of Texas at Arlington.
 Yes, I am going for my graduate degree. I took my first classes over the summer and they were doosie. Talk about trial by fire, I just had to enroll in the two classes that were taught by the department’s toughest professors.

Now that I a semester and a half (well almost 1/2) under my belt, I am trying to pick up a few things that I TEMPORATIRY set aside to focus on school. It took me some time to get back in the swing and then to have multiple writing assignments (usually 10-15 pages each) due within a few days of each other took a lot of time. I feel like life was passing me buy. I am finally caught up on my TV / blog reading and I have to say I have missed so much. I will try to post over the weekend all of the ups and down that has been going on in the house. I have set a personal goal to post / blog at least once a week.


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